We welcome the findings of the Carers Trust’s new report ‘Care Act for carers: One year on’.
This shows that there are some carers who are getting good support under the Care Act, as well as some examples of good practice.
It also shows what needs to improve. Too many carers were unaware of their rights. Practitioners need to understand that a carer’s right to support is independent of the person they care for.
Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care said:
“I welcome this report and was very pleased to be invited to provide evidence. Support for carers is an important feature that CQC has to see in order to award a Good or Outstanding rating. The best services we see value the contribution that carers can make and proactively consider their needs as well as the needs of people using services.
“Carers’ organisations are involved in our coproduction meetings that develop the way we work and I am grateful for their contribution.”