Care home residents do the splits in honour of a national day

Showing our appreciation for National Banana Split Day Belmont Healthcare took the humble and often underrated banana and made it king for a day to recognise this very decadent American tradition.

The special day of August 25th marks the creation of the first ever banana split in 1904 Pennsylvania made by an apprentice pharmacist David Strickler. Giving its long tradition residents felt it fitting to replicate and join in by making their own.

Made to the tradition of cutting lengthways then partnered with scoops of vanilla ice cream, piece of pineapple and strawberry, then topped with whipped cream, the recipe changed slightly from the recommend topping of crushed nuts, but still a taste explosion enjoyed by many.

Adam Hutchison, Managing Director of Belmont Healthcare said: “Who would have known there was a special day to recognize this desert. We did change the recipe slightly, but anything goes with a banana split as does the individual preferences of our residents.”

Belmont Healthcare offers multiple forms of long, short, respite or day care for those in need, specializing in Dementia, Parkinson’s and Specialist Elderly Support situated in delightful settings around the UK.

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