Carrots make a happy appearance in the kitchen

We’re making way for the autumn and embracing the goodness that it has to offer with a hearty autumn vegetable soup.

During the past few days of a dip in temperature we felt it fitting to gather our root vegetables and create the perfect warming soup featuring one of our favourite vegetables, the carrot.

Guiding a handful of our residents, who kindly volunteered to prepare the vegetables, one found time to create a carrot doodle – a smiley face!

Adam Hutchison, managing director at Belmont Healthcare said: “The smiley face says it all. When the onions are frying gently the smell sets the taste buds off making all of us really eager to sample the final product. The soup was absolutely delicious. ”

Belmont Healthcare offers multiple forms of long, short, respite or day care for those in need, specializing in Dementia, Parkinson’s and Specialist Support situated in delightful settings around the UK.

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