Summer desert still flavour of the month in september

Forget Rossi’s ice cream, we’re doing our own in-house ice cream rounds and the creamy dairy snack is being delivered straight into the hands of lucky takers.

A definitely highly rated sweet treat, residents are now having the last edible summer hurrah as the ice cream trolley makes its rounds to take its bespoke orders.

Adam Hutchison managing director at Belmont Healthcare says: “Bringing the ice cream parlour into our care homes is a fun way of enjoying a traditional treat and thankfully summer hasn’t quite gone. However it won’t be long before we are switching to warming crumbles and comforting sponges, so we’re making the best of what is left of summer with this classic resident favourite.”

All that remains to be seen is will it be one or two scoops, raspberry sauce, or a chocolate flake, or sprinkles!

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